Scenario: In a bar chart, you want each bar colour depending on its value.
Solution: Add the chart to the Report, and with the chart selected go to scripts.
Add the following script:
// Apply different colors to the bars depending on their value
private void ApplyTresholdColors(object sender, DevExpress.XtraCharts.CustomDrawSeriesPointEventArgs e) {
var value = Convert.ToDouble(e.SeriesPoint.Values[0]);
e.SeriesDrawOptions.Color = Color.FromArgb(239, 32, 32);
else if (value>=60 && value<80)
e.SeriesDrawOptions.Color = Color.FromArgb(254, 204, 5);
e.SeriesDrawOptions.Color = Color.FromArgb(4, 110, 4);
In the Property grid of the chart go to Behavior – Scripts – Custom draw a series and select ApplyTresholdColors from the list of functions in the dropdown menu.
The output chart will be like this: